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Five PGE power plants insured by PZU

Five PGE power plants insured by PZU

Dodano: 2016-07-12

The PGE Polish Energy Group concluded with the Mutual Insurance Society PZUW an agreement on comprehensive insurance coverage for five power plants – reported PZU S.A. PGE announced that this agreement will allow them to reduce the costs of insurance of these power plants by approximately 10 percent.

Michał Krupiński, CEO of PZU S.A., stressed that cooperation with State Treasury companies is established on a voluntary basis and under the membership of PZUW.

The assets which will be covered by the insurance are Bełchatów Power Plant, Turów Power Plant and the Dolna Odra Power Plant Complex (Dolna Odra Power Plant in Nowe Czarnowo near Gryfino and Pomorzany and Szczecin Power Plants in Szczecin). An earlier attempt to find an insurance company with an open tender procedure failed. Due to the excessive difference between the budget assumed by the PGE and the amounts proposed by the tenderers, the procedure had to be cancelled.”The PGE Group decided to use the legal provisions which allow for the conclusion of an insurance agreement with a mutual insurance society by entities that are members of this society, which provide that in such a case the legal provisions on public procurement do not apply. And this, in turn, allows the price to be negotiated and makes the process of concluding the agreement significantly more flexible and shorter” states the press release.

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