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Financial results of Allianz Poland after 2019

Financial results of Allianz Poland after 2019

Dodano: 2020-03-10

Allianz Poland finished last year with operational profits at the level of PLN 241 mln, up by 3% more than the year before.

”We achieved these results thanks to the hard work of our employees and also our insurance agents who sell Allianz products every day”, says Grzegorz Krawiec, CFO and a board member in Allianz Poland.

In the life Insurance company the gross written premium rose by 2%. While the whole life market in Poland shrank by 2%.

In the non-life sector Allianz achieved growth of GWP in the groups of travel Insurance and for dealers.

”In 2020 we are focusing on dynamic and profitable growth. We are investing in our agency sale channel and are launching next solutions, which will make the sales process easier. Our results let us plan strong development on the Polish market for the nearest year”, adds Krawiec.  

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