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Exclusion of an insurer’s liability for damages incurred in countries which according to the MFA are unsafe to travel to

Exclusion of an insurer’s liability for damages incurred in countries which according to the MFA are unsafe to travel to

Dodano: 2016-08-16

Almost 20 per cent of Poles fear terrorist attacks or assassination attempts while traveling abroad – according to an IMAS survey, commissioned by the insurance company Europa. In the opinion of 55 per cent of the respondents, a feeling of security, excluding financial criteria, is more important than a choice of destination.

Every second Pole says that when traveling abroad, they purchase additional insurance. But not everyone realizes that if we decide to visit a place that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs discourages us from visiting, the insurer can refuse to pay compensation.

Insurers exclude liability for damages caused by riots and terrorist attacks in countries against which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has warned about. In such situations, it is not possible to extend the scope of protection after the payment of an additional insurance premium. Recently the ministry has warned, among others, against trips to Saudi Arabia – notes Marat Nevretdinov , vice president of the insurance company Europa.

The above does not apply to situations, when the insured traveling abroad is unexpectedly affected by events of war, terrorism or civil war. For example, the insurance company Europa’s insurance policy provides protection in such situations, but you have to bear in mind that this protection will expire at the end of the 5th day from the start of a war, acts of terrorism or civil war on the territory of the country where the insured is spending their holiday – adds Marat Nevretdinov.

People traveling abroad should therefore carefully check the place they intend to go to, be aware of the number to their nearest embassy, have all necessary documents, such as passports, but above all, keep in mind the safety of themselves and their loved ones. That is why it is necessary to purchase the appropriate insurance and avoid areas against which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was warned.

The events of recent weeks show that it is impossible to foresee where terrorists will attack and attacks can occur even in peaceful regions. So it is worth having insurance.

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