In 2014 five countries collected 77.7% of the total premiums of the European Union insurance market. The United Kingdom had 22.1% and France 18.1% of the total premium in both insurance branches in 2014. Germany was in third position with 17.6% of the EU insurance market in 2014. The three countries combined held almost 57.8% of the total EU market. Italy was fourth with a share of 13.1%. Owing to the impressive level of premiums from health insurance, in 2014 the Netherlands ranked fifth in the European Union with a 6.8% share. In 2014 the two top positions were taken by the United Kingdom and France, with shares of 26.1% and 19.1%, respectively. In 2014 in the United Kingdom premiums declined, while in France they grew compared to 2013. Ranked third and fourth were Italy and Germany, with shares of 16.4% and 13.9% respectively. The fifth position went to Spain – 3.7% share.
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