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Europa Ubezpieczenia will help in the case of flight delay

Europa Ubezpieczenia will help in the case of flight delay

Dodano: 2019-12-03

Europa Ubezpieczenia has launched the a service for clients who have a travel policy. A “Flight Assistant” will help travelers when the flight is delayed or cancelled. The service was created in the cooperation with GIVT – an online platform for flight delay monitoring and obtaining compensation for these situations. 

The service is an extension of travel insurance and it is for free. To launch the “Flight Assistant” clients have to fill in a form and provide information about their flight – their number and date of departure. In the case of flight delay the “Flight Assistant” will inform them about passengers’ rights eg. to have a free meal, accommodation for a night or compensation.

“The “Flight Assistant” is the next service which we have added to our travel insurance products to support clients in the unexpected and inconvenient events during their trips and abroad holiday. The service is in accordance with our business strategy to accompany our client in every situation in which they need help. Many travelers do not know their rights as flight carrier clients and which benefits they can expect. Together with our partner – the GIVT platform – we  offer support providing information about flight delays and knowledge about their rights”, says Tomasz Janas, manager of Travel Insurance and Guarantee Department in Europa Ubezpieczenia.

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