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ERGO Hestia in 2017 Ranking of Responsible Companies

ERGO Hestia in 2017 Ranking of Responsible Companies

Dodano: 2017-05-23

ERGO Hestia was recognised in the 2017 Ranking of Responsible Companies – a list of the biggest Polish companies assessed from the point of view of quality of management of Corporate Social Responsibility. ERGO Hestia was classified as “Crystal” – as a mature company in terms of CSR implementation.

The Ranking of Responsible Companies, prepared by the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily under the patronage of the Responsible Business Forum, is a holistic list of the biggest companies in Poland, assessed from the point of view of CSR management. The assessment is made on the basis of a questionnaire filled-in by the companies.

The questionnaire contains questions concerning four areas: responsible business, responsible relations (internal as well as with the social and natural environments), sustainable development as well as responsible innovations (as regards quality of professional life, social development and environmental impact).

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