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ERA Automotive – the newly-formed European road-services assistance providers

ERA Automotive – the newly-formed European road-services assistance providers

Dodano: 2017-10-17

A new alliance has been formed by bringing together major European-road services assistance providers – RAC, Europ Assistance, Falck and VHD.

The newly-formed European Road-services Alliance (ERA Automotive) will operate on a pan-European basis, by bringing together the individual expertise and respective geographical footprint of each partner, complementing each other from the UK to the Nordics and Baltic countries, across all continental Europe.

Pierre Brigadeau, group chief sales and marketing officer at Europ Assistance, said: “Thanks to our 339 years of combined experience in roadside assistance, our exclusive alliance creates a strong, reliable and experienced partner of choice for motor manufacturers, leasing companies, fleets and insurers wherever they may be located in Europe.”

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