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Deputy Financial Ombudsman appointed

Deputy Financial Ombudsman appointed

Dodano: 2022-01-10
Publikator: The Financial Ombudsman

At the beginning of December, the position of Financial Ombudsman was vacated by Mariusz Golecki. His post was taken by Bohdan Pretkiel, which we wrote about in the article: „New Financial Ombudsman appointed”.

On 22 December the position of Deputy Financial Ombudsman was taken up by Ziemowit Bagłajewski.

Ziemowit Bagłajewski is an advocate and since 2012 a member of the Warsaw Bar Association. He has experience in litigation, in particular in cases related to the protection of the interests of clients of financial market entities. As Deputy Financial Ombudsman he will supervise the Department of Extrajudicial Dispute Resolution and the Administrative and Financial Department in the Financial Ombudsman’s Office.

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