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Cooperation between Alior Bank and PZU

Cooperation between Alior Bank and PZU

Dodano: 2022-02-22
Publikator: press release

Alior Bank is expanding its offer for business clients with accident insurance and health care from PZU. The premium prices start from PLN 35 per person per month. Under the policy, entrepreneurs can insure themselves, family members, company employees and their relatives.

The basic scope of insurance covers the consequences of accidents involving permanent or total inability to work or permanent bodily injury. The sum insured is PLN 10 000. It is also possible to purchase additional health care services. Depending on the selected option, PZU will organize medical services and cover the costs of e.g. treatment of the consequences of an accident or disease. Healthcare is provided throughout the country. As part of the offer, access to specialist doctors is guaranteed up to five working days.

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