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Child aid scheme behind rising car sales

Child aid scheme behind rising car sales

Dodano: 2016-07-12

Record imports of used cars to Poland in the first half of the year may be a side effect of the new 500 Plus child aid programme, the Rzeczpospolita national daily wrote Monday quoting market experts.

Nearly 500 thousand used cars were imported to Poland over the first six months of 2016, a 16.3 percent rise on the previous year and a new semi-annual record.

Dariusz Balcerzyk from the SAMAR motor market surveyor opined that for the first time in the Polish used car market’s history annual vehicle imports had a chance to top the one million mark.

Rzeczpospolita notes a visible rise in imports of over-10-year-old cars, mainly Volkswagens, Renaults and Opels.

The daily wrote that the rise in used car imports coincided with the launching of the 500 Plus child aid programme, under which parents receive PLN 500 for every second and further children. According to the paper, the extra money enabled vehicle purchases by people who could not afford a car prior to its introduction.

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