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Changes in the Management Board of PZU SA and PZU Zycie SA

Changes in the Management Board of PZU SA and PZU Zycie SA

Dodano: 2020-09-11

The PZU SA Supervisory Board decided to appoint Malgorzata Kot and Krzysztof Szypula to the company’s management board, entrusting them with the functions of PZU SA management board members.

Moreover, by the decision of the Supervisory Board of PZU Zycie SA, Krzysztof Szypula was appointed to the management board of this company. New members of the management boards are appointed on September 10 this year. for a joint term of office covering the three full financial years 2020-2022. The appointed members of the management boards are experts with many years of experience, with high competences and knowledge of the insurance industry.

Malgorzata Kot has been a member of the management board of PZU Zycie SA since April 2020. In the years 2001-2012 she held managerial positions at STU Ergo Hestia SA, PZU SA and HDI Asekuracja TU SA. From 2012, she was associated with TUiR Allianz Polska SA, where she held the following positions: Director of the Department of Cooperation with Key Partners, Director of the Department of Cooperation with Multiagencies and Director of Cooperation with Key Partners and Bancassurance.

Krzysztof Szypula was the Managing Director for Product Strategy at PZU SA from 2018. He has been working in the financial services industry for 29 years. For a long time he was associated with the Nationale-Nederlanden (ING) group, where in the years 1994-2010 in Poland, the United States and Australia he worked in many positions and gained various professional experience in the field of actuarial, financial management, IT projects and operations. Before joining the PZU Group, he was associated with Allianz Polska and the Polish branch of the British company Prudential plc, where he was responsible for product development and management. On the management board of Allianz insurance companies he was responsible for life and health products and sales management.

At the same time, on September 9, 2020, Elzbieta Hauser-Schoneich resigned from the position of a member of the management boards of PZU SA and PZU Zycie SA, and Adam Brzozowski resigned from sitting on the management board of PZU SA.

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