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Black box car insurance

Black box car insurance

Dodano: 2016-08-16

„If you have recently purchased a new car – then you probably have one already. Black boxes can be found in almost each new car in Poland. What for? „- as we can read in Gazeta Wyborcza.

The massive installation of black boxes has been going on for about a year. “We have them installed in all our models except for the Ford Ka” confirms Mariusz Jasinski from Ford Poland.

Black boxes record information that, for example, will help to explain what was the cause of an accident. “They help determine where exactly and at what speed the accident occurred, how many people were in the cabin, how many airbags deployed , and so on” says Kamil Sokolowski from Volvo Car Poland.

Insurers and lawyers representing parties involved in accidents also benefit from black boxes. For instance, in 2014 the black box data installed in a Pontiac G5, which crashed killing the driver, was the basis for a lawsuit against General Motors. As a result the company had to repair faulty ignition switches in 2.5 million cars.

In Europe, black boxes are most common in Britain. Almost half a million UK drivers have installed black boxes with GPS devices in their cars, through which more than 30 insurance companies can track their driving behaviour and offer discounts to those who perform well.

According to Gazeta Wyborcza, this year, for the first time ever, a Polish company will start offering insurance with a tracking system. Who knows, maybe black boxes will significantly improve safety on our roads.

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