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BGK and KUKE are financing an export contract of Unibep SA

BGK and KUKE are financing an export contract of Unibep SA

Dodano: 2017-02-14

Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) signed a lending agreement with Trinity Invest to finance an export contract concluded with the Polish exporter – Unibep SA. The subject of the export contract is the completion of a turnkey office and retail complex of 68 000 square metres in Grodno, Belarus. The credit was granted within the framework of the government Financial Support for Exporters programme and is covered by an insurance policy of the Export Credit Insurance Corporation (KUKE).

“So far, this is BGK’s largest loan implemented under a government programme and the first loan in the history of Polish banking provided directly to a Belarusian company within the framework of export finance. By crediting the purchase of construction services supplied by a Polish company, we are supporting the development of Unibep in Poland and on a foreign market. The provision of financing to support Polish exporters and the international expansion of domestic companies is one of the key areas of BGK activity. It is also set to be one of the pillars of the operations of the PDF Group” Arkadiusz Zabłoński, Deputy Director of the Department of Structural Funding at BGK, explains.

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