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Beware of telephone phishing attempts!

Beware of telephone phishing attempts!

Dodano: 2022-10-04

During the last three months, almost two thousand phishing attempts totalling almost PLN 600,000 have been recorded

However, the scale of the attacks is many times greater and, in addition, data thieves are using more and more sophisticated methods. Criminals make phone calls from telephone numbers that appear to be the real numbers of credible institutions. Anyone can be a victim of such a manipulation. In view of these circumstances, the Credit Information Bureau has made available on its website practical tips on how not to be fooled. 

Important advice

  • Do not continue suspicious conversations!

If you have concerns about the credibility of the person who is calling – hang up. It is best to call the company’s official helpline in person to confirm whether you have actually been contacted by an employee of the company;

  • Always remember

An employee of the BIK, the Polish Bank Association or your bank never asks for the login and password to log into your bank account. They do not ask for your full card number, its expiry date and CVV2/CVC2 code, nor do they persuade you to install an application on your computer or smartphone;

  • Do not confirm an operation that you did not order yourself or one that you do not fully understand;
  • Do not automatically call back an unknown number

This poses the risk of being redirected to exotic countries, what may end up in our mobile operator charging an increased fee for such a call;

  • Activate BIK Alerts 

These are text message alerts that you will receive when someone uses your details to take out a loan, enter into a contract with a telecommunications operator or make a hire purchase. This is a way to permanently protect yourself from being scammed, because you never know when and from where your data will be stolen.

In conclusion – act carefully and reasonably. Your behaviour has an impact on the security of your money.

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