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Bank Pocztowy with the first biometric payment card in Poland

Bank Pocztowy with the first biometric payment card in Poland

Dodano: 2022-01-10
Publikator: press release

Bank Pocztowy has introduced in its offer the first biometric card in Poland. It is addressed to institutional customers. The initiative was created in cooperation with Fiserv Polska S.A., Mastercard, and Thales.

Bank Pocztowy has presented a new card design that aims to introduce an innovative means of payment – biometric fingerprint verification – to the Polish market. From now on, institutional customers of Bank Pocztowy can use a biometric card that will make a contactless transaction through verification of the cardholder’s fingerprint. The transaction will not require entering a PIN, and its conclusion resembles a mobile payment. The project uses biometric authentication, which means secure and fast cashless payments. Such authentication provides full protection from the use of the card by third parties in case of theft or other events.

Thales was responsible for preparing the offering – developing the card with a reader for biometric fingerprint encoding, providing state-of-the-art packaging, personalizing the product, and distributing it to end-users.

The initiative is timely during a pandemic because it allows for the social distance necessary in our reality. Currently, the project is intended only for institutional customers. However, according to Bank Pocztowy, in January 2022 the offer will also be addressed to small and medium-sized enterprises.

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