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Attempted fraud

Attempted fraud

Dodano: 2022-05-27
Publikator: Polish Bank Association

In the first quarter of 2022, the attempted theft of 52 milion PLN was carried out using someone else’s documents.

The scale of attempted fraud has remained at a similar, fairly high level for two years and amounts to 1.9 thousand. A relatively small number of the above were attempts to steal amounts exceeding one million PLN. At the same time the number of seized stolen identity documents increased.

The total attempted fraud in the first quarter of this year is the second lowest result in the history of infoDOK research. This is because it amounts to only PLN 0.1 million more than the amount of PLN 51.7 million from the fourth quarter of 2018, which was the lowest. In addition, there were 1,915 phishing attempts during the period in question, which means an average of 21 such attempts per day. Each day, a total of nearly PLN 600,000 was attempted to be stolen in someone else’s name.

Additionally, the size of the Central Database of the System of RESTRICTED DOCUMENTS with documents used to confirm identity increased by 33 241 items. Statistically, 370 documents were entered into the database daily. It means five percent more than in the same period last year.

However, it is worth emphasizing that the lower number of fraud attempts should not dampen alertness. If you lose your ID card, passport or driver’s license, you should always block their data in the RESTRICTED DOCUMENTS system.

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