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Annual report of the Polish Insurance Association for 2015

Annual report of the Polish Insurance Association for 2015

Dodano: 2016-09-06
Publikator: Polish Insurance Association

The PIA’s report consists of a presentation of the PIA’s activities in the last year as well as an introduction to the PIA’s organizational structure. The second part of the report comprises an analysis of the global, European and Polish insurance market, especially the legal and market changes. The report’s authors described the situation of the Polish insurance market in detail, as well as the last ten year’s data. The next part of the report is made up of tables of the most important indices used by insurance companies – “insurance market in numbers” such as financial results (premiums, claims and benefits, investments, technical provisions and costs of insurance activity). The report also includes consolidated financial statements and a list of insurance companies that are members of the Polish Insurance Association.

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