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Andrzej Oślizło leaves Aviva

Andrzej Oślizło leaves Aviva

Dodano: 2017-09-26

Andrzej Oślizło is leaving the Aviva Group. Since 2015 he performed the function of vice-president in Aviva. He was responsible for business development and contacts with partners, especially for the bancassurance sector. He supervised BZ WBK-Aviva and Expander. He finishes cooperation on 13th October. His duties will be taken over by other board members.

Andrzej Oślizło was the CEO of Expander Advisors before the company was acquired by Aviva. After that he became a member of the supervision board of Expander and appointed to Aviva’s board. He was liable for the process of Expander’s integration with the Group’s structures and the company’s development.

“I thank Andrzej for his impact on our bancassurance business development and strengthening Expander’s position in the market. I wish him luck in his further career”- said Adam Uszpolewicz, the CEO of Aviva. 

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