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An accident abroad?

An accident abroad?

Dodano: 2022-09-20

Excess waiver insurance is a new product of Europ Assistance Polska aimed at people renting a car domestically and abroad. 

Poles often use rental cars during their holidays. Unfortunately, the insurances offered by local rental companies are generally very expensive and their conditions are difficult to verify. It is therefore worth purchasing a policy based on clear and comprehensible liability rules, guaranteeing assistance and reimbursement of costs incurred.

The excess waiver insurance can be concluded before the vehicle is collected from the rental company.  The subject of the insurance is the risk of losing part or all of the deposit from the concluded car rental agreement – in the event of damage to the car as a result of a traffic accident or theft. To avoid such a situation, it is advisable to purchase guarantee insurance before signing the rental contract. 

The policy is available in Basic and Extended variants. Payment of compensation takes place in the event of:

– deductible per claim for damage and theft; 

– a charge for late pick-up of the vehicle and related additional costs incurred as a result of flight delays in excess of 2 hours;

– a charge for loss of or damage to vehicle keys;

– charges for filling the car with the wrong fuel and the need to clean the engine, fuel system or tow the vehicle;

– charges for discharged battery and the need to call roadside assistance;

– additionally in the Extended variant: reimbursement of costs of renting a replacement car.

Coverage does not include intentional operations of the hirer. 

The Insurer’s limit of responsibility is EUR 5,000. No additional deductible is payable by the Insured. 

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