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Almost 3.7 million Poles with private health Insurance

Almost 3.7 million Poles with private health Insurance

Dodano: 2022-01-18
Publikator: Polish Insurance Association

Data from the Polish Insurance Association shows that at the end of Q3 2021 Poles had spent more than 760 million PLN on private health insurance. This is an increase of nearly 15 percent compared to a year earlier.

The most popular packages are those covering access to primary health care and several specialists. More and more people not living in big cities are covered by them. The number of group policies is also growing. The number of benefits that are provided under private health insurance is increasing.

According to a survey conducted in October 2021 by the Center for Public Opinion Research, two out of three respondents are dissatisfied with the functioning of health care in Poland. Only 29 percent rated it positively. Most respondents believe that getting to a specialist under the National Health Fund is difficult, and hospitals are understaffed. The problem of staff shortages has also been noticed by the European Commission, indicating in a report prepared together with the OECD, that the Polish health care system is struggling with staff shortages, the availability of specialist doctors, and the high costs that private treatment requires.

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