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3 banks invest in Polish fintech Autenti

3 banks invest in Polish fintech Autenti

Dodano: 2020-01-21

Three large banks from Poland – Alior, BNP Paribas and PKO – together will take over a minority stake in Autenti, the Polish fintech offering an electronic signature service. The capital investment amounts to PLN 17 million.

The banks along with two venture capital funds, Innovation Nest and Black Pearls, took over a minority stake in Autenti for PLN 17 million. The capital allows the company to expand its scale of operations, as well as to extend its offer outside of Poland. All the banks will also use the potential of Autenti to service clients and in internal processes, e.g. to sign employment contracts with employees.

The investment is one of the first examples of investments of several banks in Poland which compete with each other on a daily basis in one entity. Another example is Polski Standard Płatności (Polish Standard Payments) – the company was established few years ago and created the Blik system operator for online payment. Representatives of investors and Autenti hope that Blik’s success will be repeated and developed a new standard of electronic signature on the Polish market, which will also be used by other banks.

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