Representatives of the 12 largest and most dynamic enterprises in the CEE – among with PZU – have signed in Davos a memorandum forming the Business Council of Growing Europe, an initiative that will promote CEE as an attractive destination for investors and to support cooperation between business leaders from the region.
The authorship of the initiative belongs to PZU, while the founding members are 12 companies from the region: PZU, Banca Comerciala Romana, Bolt, Bulpros, Exponea, Gedeon Richter, OTP Bank, Bank Pekao, Prezi, Riko Group, Triglav Group and UiPath.
The aim of the established Council is to promote Central and Eastern Europe as an attractive place for investors from around the world and to create a hub for the development of the latest technologies, infrastructure and renewable energy sources. The declaration provides for the organization of joint events for the promotion of the region, participation in panels and meetings during major conferences and economic events, as well as cooperation with experts and advisers.
„The region of Central and Eastern Europe has already achieved such a high level of development that it should become the most attractive destination for investments from around the world. Economic, political and social stability is a guarantee of stable economic growth regardless of the business cycle. By joining forces, we can increase awareness of the dynamics, entrepreneurship and innovation of our part of Europe. Creating the Business Council of Growing Europe, we are sending a positive signal to the European Union and the whole world and we are saying with a strong voice: Europe is not defending its status quo, Europe is developing, invest in a developing Europe. From now on, Central and Eastern Europe has its own business council, has its voice and committed leaders who want to work on promoting it together”, said Paweł Surówka, the CEO of PZU.