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Yu! insurance: premium depends on driving style

Yu! insurance: premium depends on driving style

Dodano: 2017-01-31

Yu! is the first insurtech ‘pay as you drive’ product on the Polish insurance market. YU! rewards drivers who drive safely. They can pay cheaper premiums for MTPL insurance. The price of insurance will be estimated individually for each person insured. 

YU! estimates the premiums on the basis of a forecast. So far insurers have only used the history of the driving style of their clients e. g. accident claims. Now drivers can make an impact on the amount of their MTPL insurance premium. They just need to drive safely and improve their driving style. The insurer evaluates dynamics, behavior in dangerous situations and observance of driving regulations.

YU! run their business only on the B2C market but the clients can use any car, including business cars and get points for their private insurance. The only requirement is to use an the application. The drivers do not have to install any additional devices in their cars.  

This new way of estimating risk, using different data than that used so far, and lower premiums does not mean decreasing the quality of insurance cover. YU!’s offer was prepared by the Polish insurer Ergo Hestia. The company is responsible for claim settlements and insurance products. 

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