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Insurance Guarantee Fund

Insurance Guarantee Fund

Dodano: 2016-07-12

Vehicles whose owners do not have valid Motor TPL insurance do not have the right to use Polish roads. If this happens, it is illegal. The Insurance Guarantee Fund (UFG) annually receives about 6.5 thousand claims from people injured in road accidents caused by uninsured or unidentified vehicle drivers.

Uninsured and unidentified drivers generate costs amounting to more than 100 million PLN costs per year for other vehicle owners in Poland.

Nearly 200,000 vehicles operate on the Polish roads without mandatory Motor TPL insurance – according to UFG estimates.

The lack of Motor TPL is threatened by penalty fee – in case of personal car it reaches up to 3700 PLN. 

Every year more than two thousand vehicle owners return out of their own pockets the compensations paid by the UFG to the injured parties of accidents caused by them. Why? They did not buy Motor TPL insurance. The average severity exceeds 10 thousand PLN. Record-holder should return about 700 thousand PLN. The vehicle owner who does not have the Motor TPL insurance (and is the perpetrator of the accident) has to reimburse to UFG the sum which was already paid to the injured parties of the accident.

UFG through UFG Information Centre manages the database with Motor TPL and Motor own damage insurance policies sold in Poland. Database enables to:

  • check whether and where the vehicle is insured (Motor TPL insurance), also via this website,
  • identify uninsured and
  • verification no-claims bonus discounts (Motor TPL and Motor own damage insurance).

UFG pays compensations also for uninsured farmers. Each farm owner must have obligatory third party liability insurance (Farmer TPL insurance).

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