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Fraudulent loans

Fraudulent loans

Dodano: 2022-05-05
Publikator: Regional Police Headquarters in Kraków

April 14th the Cybercrime Department of the Małopolska Police detained a 55-year-old woman and a 30-year-old man. The woman is suspected of involvement in the illegal removal of money from other people’s bank accounts, and the man of extorting bank loans.

These are the next detainees in the investigation led by the District Attorney’s Office in Cracow. The case concerns an organized criminal group which took out bank loans amounting to at least 2 million PLN, which they did by using illegally obtained personal data.

It is worth recalling that information concerning the present case had already appeared in 2019, when police officers arrested 12 people in connection with the cited procedure. Among those involved in the illegal activity were gang members responsible for illegally obtaining a personal database from the Darknet. This database consisted of identity cards, driver’s licenses and passports. In addition, couriers, bank brokers, as well as bank employees and individuals who set up fictitious bank accounts and impersonated others were arrested. The scam operated in 2018-2019 on the territory of several provinces.

As it turned out, this was not the end of the criminal activity, which was uncovered thanks to the painstaking work of police officers fighting cybercrime.

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