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Aviva launches the new service Go SMS

Aviva launches the new service Go SMS

Dodano: 2018-07-06

Aviva has prepared a new service to make the process of a claim settlement more efficient. Thanks to the new service Go SMS Aviva’s clients may deliver documents to insurer by a special platform.

Clients who choose this solution, will receive by SMS a URL to the platform where they attach documents connected with the damage: photos, films, voice notes, pdfs and upload them to the insurer.

This solution will improve the process of claim settlement and reduce its cost. In this ways clients receive compensation quicker and without unnecessary formalities.   

“We look for new improvements and tailor our processes to clients’ changing need. We expect that our digital model of client service, which is our strategic aim, will change the way Aviva is perceived by clients as an open and modern company” said Ewa Chwaja, who is responsible for motor claims settlement in Aviva. 

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